Revolutionising Maths Learning at Home
Hey there, fellow parents! Today, let’s find out how Geomag STEM learning can transform maths from a daunting topic into a fun and engaging adventure for your child. As someone who never quite clicked with maths during school, I understand the challenge of making it enjoyable. But with the right tools, it can be a game-changer.
The Numbers Game Worldwide
Did you know? The UK ranks 17th globally for maths skills among 15-year-olds, with China, Singapore, and Macau leading the charts. This highlights the need for innovative methods to make math learning more effective and enjoyable.
National Maths Week Excitement
National Maths Week (8-12 November 2021) is the perfect opportunity to transform math learning at home. It’s time to shift math from a chore to a delight with creative tools and techniques.
Discover Geomag Maths Magicube
Disclaimer: We received the Geomag Maths Magicube set for free in exchange for an honest review.
Amid the pandemic’s homeschooling challenges, the Geomag Maths Magicube set became our trusted ally. With 16 vibrant cubes and 45 magnetic numbers, it turns traditional maths learning on its head. These cubes provide a hands-on, interactive way to explore colors, numbers, and mathematical sequences.
Key Features:
- Ages: Suitable for ages 3+
- Contents: 16 cubes, 45 magnetic numbers
- Learning Focus: Numbers, colors, shapes, and structures
Why Geomag Stands Out
The Geomag Maths Magicube set offers a fresh approach to math learning, making it engaging for young minds. Say goodbye to heavy textbooks and hello to playful, hands-on STEM learning.
Expert Tips for Enhancing Math Learning
Martin Hassler Hallstedt, learning psychologist and author of Count on Me!, shares essential tips for making math learning effective at home:
- Make Maths Fun: Turn exercises into captivating challenges. Try painting by numbers, bingo with addition, or shape-spotting during walks.
- Short Bursts, Big Impact: Aim for 15-minute math sessions. Integrate maths into daily activities, such as counting ingredients while cooking.
- Repeat and Repeat: Consistency builds confidence. Even five minutes a week can make a difference.
- Explore Unconventional Techniques: Use educational apps with engaging storylines. Count on Me! is a great example of this approach.
- Positive Vibes Only: Frame math as magical and fun. Your enthusiasm will help foster a positive attitude in your child.
Fact File: Key Points on Geomag Maths Magicube
- Product: Geomag Maths Magicube
- Features: 16 cubes, 45 magnetic numbers
- Suitable For: Ages 3+
- Educational Focus: STEM learning, mathematical sequences
- Price: Shop Geomag Maths Magicube for current prices.

What’s Inside the Box?
Beyond the magnetic allure, these cubes teach colours, numbers, and mathematical sequences in the most playful way. Building shapes, structures, or decoding numbers – there’s a STEM learning adventure in every cube.
The Maths Building Set is suitable for ages three plus and definitely gets the thumbs up from Cyrus. You can shop other sets in the range here.
Our Verdict:
Tips from the Expert:
Martin Hassler Hallstedt, a learning psychologist and the brain behind Count on me! shared some golden nuggets for maths home learning:
- Make Maths Fun: Turn exercises into captivating challenges – think painting by numbers, bingo with addition, or spotting shapes during a stroll.
- Short Bursts, Big Impact: Keep it short and sweet – aim for 15-minute maths sessions. Integrate maths into every day activities, like counting ingredients while cooking.
- Repeat and Repeat: Practice makes perfect. Consistency builds competence and confidence. Better five minutes a week than none at all.
- Beyond Traditions – Explore unconventional techniques, like educational apps with captivating storylines, characters, and adventures. Count on me! Is one such gem.
- Positive Vibes Only: Reframe your language. Speak of maths as magical, amazing, and fun. Trust me, your positivity becomes contagious.
Count on me! A Maths Adventure App
Speaking of apps, here’s a game-changer – Count on me! It’s not just a maths app, it’s a captivating journey into Numberia for 6-9-year-olds. Game-Embedded-Teaching (GET) makes learning a breeze. Research even shows a 60% improvement in maths skills for kids using this app. Limited screen time, maximum learning – that’s a win.
Count on me! is now available on the App Store for iPads* and will be available on Android tablets later this year. Count on me! is £9.99 a month, and you can try the first week for free. For more information visit www.akribian.com
Mechanics Gravity – Loops and Turns Fun:
If science steals the spotlight in your house, the Geomag Mechanics Gravity – Loops and Turns might be your ace. Sent to us as part of the review deal (because honesty is our compass), this STEM toy is a curiosity-stirrer.
What’s In The Box?
Around 120 pieces, 10 ball bearings, and a guide to science fun. It’s aimed at eight-year-olds and above, but trust me, a five-year-old named Cyrus mastered it with his Persian baba (daddy) in tow.

Our verdict:
Cyrus was hooked for hours on a Saturday afternoon. Gravity and magnetism took centre stage, no batteries or electricity needed. In our book, Mechanics Gravity is more than a toy – it’s a STEM experience that sparks curiosity and fuels a passion for science.
Feeling intrigued? You can find the Geomag STEM learning: Maths Magic set for £34.99.
Geomag Mechanics Loops And Turns Construction Set – 130pc – £34.99
So there you have it – our personal adventure into the world of science and maths. Let the learning continue, one cube and loop at a time. For more reviews, check out this Geomag post here.
What are your favorite tips for making maths fun at home? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below – we’d love to hear how you and your kids are exploring the world of maths!
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