Today on Saffron and Cyrus, we feature top tips from columnist and personal and professional development expert, Claire Adams, on becoming a super stay-at-home ‘working’ mum.
Ordinary people who do great things have always been our main sources of inspiration. They influence us in a positive way where we gain confidence and faith in ourselves and force us to push the limits and try to do even the things that are a bit less likely to be achieved. They motivate us and help make the world a better place. One group of these super humans are definitely mompreneurs – women who manage to have a successful career while having a wonderfully functioning family. It seems like a utopia, doesn’t it? However, we all know an example or two of these supermoms so we know it is not all talk and no action; these people actually exist and manage to balance two huge challenging aspects of everyday life. Let’s see how on Earth they do it!
The key to every functioning system is good organization. Supermoms don’t leave anything to chance. They have a set schedule for every day and every activity. This is essential since, without a plan, it’s very easy and likely that you’ll get lost or procrastinate. A written plan enables you to visualize your goals and your obligations hence making them more real than when they’re only in your head. Writing things down calls for some serious thinking about organization, time management and expectations. It is extremely useful and, even if you misjudge some things at first, in time, you’ll learn to be the best scheduler there is, one who learned from their own experience.
Photo by Fabian Irsara on Unsplash
Some people can do it all, and are proud of the fact that they don’t need any help. On the other hand, there are people who can’t find the time for everything. Unfortunately, it is deeply engraved in our mind that we feel uncomfortable asking for or accepting any kind of help as we feel like it would be cheating. Of course, this is nothing to be ashamed of. It is highly logical that a person who is managing a job and a family would need some help once in a while. We’re only human after all. So, if you’re a mompreneur or you know one, don’t be afraid to ask for help, or offer it to other people. Not only is it not forbidden, but it is advisable, too!
Thinking ahead
One of the main children-related concerns for all moms of the world is education. It is the key to the future, career, security and good life of your child. Successful moms particularly see the importance of their children’s education. This is why they create college funds, sometimes even before having children or while their children are very young. This is necessary given the fact that tuition fees are through the roof. In addition, depending on the school your child chooses, you might have some extra expenses. For instance, they may want to prepare for a highly-competitive university, in which case they may need GAMSAT tutoring or some other special form of preparations.
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
Another important aspect of a life of a stay-at-home mom is blowing off steam. The lifestyle itself is very intense and stressful and venting is an essential part of it. This can be anything, meeting your friends, doing sports, going to a sauna or meditating. In any case, every mom needs to find something that relaxes her and do it on a regular basis in order to stay sane. Preferably, this should be an outdoor activity, but it is an individual decision.
Photo by Josh Rose on Unsplash
Finally, in the life of a person that is under as much pressure as a careerist mom, there’s no place for self-doubt. Only the people who are convinced they will succeed manage to actually survive this pace as a stay-at-home working mum. There is simply no time for being insecure. Everything you do has to be productive, and only a positive attitude attracts positive results.
All in all, being a supermom is highly demanding and, whoever manages to do it is a real hero. People are different and there is no unique recipe on how to do it. You just need to find what suits you and go with it. With a strong will and effort, anything can be done.
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