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Get The Scoop On Strength Training With Peanut Butter

Packed with protein, peanut butter stands out as my go-to spread for strength training. So as we gear up for the celebration of National Peanut Butter Day next week (yes, it really does exist), it takes on an extra layer of significance.

This creamy spread has provided the fuel my body has needed to repair and build muscles since lockdown, and it’s become a crucial component before my Les Mills’ Body Pump routine. Incorporating peanut butter into my diet has ensured I’m equipped with the necessary protein punch to tackle those killer power presses and squats. It has healthy fats like oleic acid which helps improve insulin sensitivity. It is also a good source of protein and is low in carbohydrates.

National Peanut Butter Day

While the origins of National Peanut Butter Day remain elusive, the celebration is a tribute to its popularity in the United States and globally. And if you have a penchant for it like me, National Peanut Butter Day definitely needs circling on your calendar. This annual celebration, falling on January 24, arrives just in time to cast away the January blues too.

Now the purpose of this special day is to revel in the sheer delight of everything peanut butter. From the simplicity of a peanut butter and jam sandwich to peanut butter protein bars, join me as I share my scoop on the nut butter brands that keep me going as a new mum over 40.

Raw Living Products

The creamy richness of almonds, packed with protein, fibre, and healthy fats, Raw Living almond butter is part of my strength training arsenal. It has a more velvety texture than peanut butter and brings nutty nutrients to power up my workouts. Sourced from raw almonds, this butter is a testament to the commitment of Raw Living in delivering nutrient-dense products to support my fitness. Plus, I’ve personally noticed a significant energy boost before my workouts with just a teaspoon of this stuff. Little C also starts his day with Raw Living nut butters, and I’m sure it’s contributing to his swimming success!

Hazelnut Heaven

Now, let’s talk about hazelnut nut butter because this is Little C’s firm favourite. Raw Living hazelnut butter is a game-changer, combining a unique flavour profile with a nutritional boost. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, the hazelnuts in Raw Living’s butter are selected to ensure the highest quality, providing a natural source of energy.

Why Raw Living? You might wonder. Well, it’s simple – they believe in the pure, unadulterated goodness of nature. Raw Living nut butters are crafted with care, preserving the living essence of the nuts to ensure maximum nutritional benefits in every spoonful. Their commitment to raw, organic, and vegan products aligns perfectly with my health and fitness goals.

How to Incorporate:

  • Start your day right: Slather Raw Living nut butter on wholegrain crackers or mix hazelnut butter into your morning oatmeal.
  • Power-packed snacks: Dip apple slices into peanut butter or spread hazelnut butter on rice cakes for a quick, nutritious snack.
  • Post-workout delight: Blend a spoonful of Raw Living nut butter into your protein smoothie for a delicious recovery boost.

So, there you have it – the secret weapons to up your strength training game, courtesy of Raw Living. Are you ready to indulge in the goodness of raw living? Your muscles will thank you! For more health and fitness inspiration, check out this blog post on Freja bone broth.


Saffron and Cyrus is a Newcastle-based family lifestyle blog, covering health, wellness, days out, travel, reviews, recipes and more from our family life.
The blog is written by new mum over 40, Aranda, with input from hubby H and son, Little C.

Find me on: Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

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