Chinese New Year Celebrations In Newcastle Upon Tyne

Understanding global celebrations and sharing knowledge about diverse cultures to young ones is an essential aspect of fostering cultural appreciation. As a new mum over 40, I consider it my mission to instill in Little Cyrus, a broad understanding of the world. Importance Of Cultural Diversity Cultural diversity not only broadens his perspective, but also cultivates empathy and respect for different traditions. By introducing him to the Chinese New Year…

My Week Of Fasting And Finding Hidden Sugar

So, after two weeks of being hooked on sweet treats and haunted by cravings, I decided to take on the challenge of giving up sugar for a week and get back into 16:8 intermittent fasting. Little did I know the first day would be a rollercoaster ride of cravings, grumpiness, and surprising realisations. The temptation to indulge in Little C’s half-eaten chocolate croissant after the school-run this morning was real.…

Lifehacker Girl’s Self-Care Tips For Introverts

Juggling the delicate balance of inner wellbeing and outer beauty has never been more challenging as a new mum over 40. With a constant influx of well-intentioned advice flooding every corner of the internet, the pressure to feel grateful for everything, be myself, and exude the confidence of a peacock is actually overwhelming – and would you believe, it’s only January! I get it. But the struggle to be perfect…

Chat With Dr. Tuesday Watts-Overall On Coping With Birth …

It’s no secret that becoming a mum often comes with its fair share of anxiety, especially when it comes to the impending birth. But there are effective ways to get through it! We speak to Dr. Tuesday Watts-Overall on managing birth anxiety and review some of the latest Mama Mio pregnancy skincare products. Excitement And Anticipation Feeling a tad jittery about giving birth? You’re not alone. It’s absolutely normal to…

The Slo-Mo Mama: How To Feel Full For Longer

I started 2024 on a health kick, and I know I’m not the only one! As the new year commenced, like many of you, I set off on a health journey filled with good intentions. My goal? To reignite my intermittent fasting mission. However, my commitment lasted a week. Why? The insistent feeling that breakfast was a must, sabotaging my willpower. Feeling hungry is a genuine stressor for me, and…

Nowruz Memories: Goldfish Drama And Adventures In Persepolis

In the warm glow of our friends’ beautiful new home, our intimate dinner celebration unfolded last night, with shared stories of Persian New Year (Nowruz). The evening, rich with talk of Persian customs, took us on a journey through time, seamlessly bridging the past with the present for everyone gathered around the table. Persian Customs There are so many traditions associated with Nowruz, and last night, I even uncovered some…

Dangers Of The Digital Playground And Gaming

In the whirlwind of parenting, where chaos and quiet are delicately balanced, the allure of the digital world beckons. As parents navigating the challenges of raising Little C, we’re intimately aware of the subtle dance between screen time and genuine childhood experiences. A recent survey among 3,000 UK parents resonates with our own struggles, revealing that 30% resort to gaming consoles to keep their kids entertained and quiet at home.…

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